David, Holden and Ashton after the Gonnawannarunagin 5K & 1/2mi Fun Run |
So proud of my three guys! They ran in the first ever Gonnawannarunagin 5K & 1/2mi Fun Run yesterday with proceeds to benefit Families of Autistic Children of Tidewater (F.A.C.T.) and Camp Gonnawannagoagin (yes, this is the camp that Ashton attends every summer). Neither David nor Holden have really trained for the 5K, but with the proceeds going to such a wonderful cause, they both ran it anyways and they did GREAT!! Holden finished with a time of 40:47 and David finished with a time of 42:40. Considering Holden's never ran a 5K before and David hasn't ran one in 23years, they did awesome! Our cousin, Ryan Carroll ran and of course, he won with a time of 15:13, but well... he's a runner ;) Ashton finished the 1/2mi Fun Run in under 7minutes which is pretty dang impressive if you know him! No pictures of him running because I ended up running after him after not recognizing anyone of the volunteers..... but he finished WAY before me! LOL
Front Row: Ashton and Holden
Second Row: Nick Richardson, Katherine Mattias, Coach: Ryan Carroll, Alexis Dudek, Juliette Zadrazil and Zane Bolen
Third Row: Justine Sikes, Sarah Semp, Mark Judy, Blake Tidwell, and Kevin Sikes
Back Row: Andrew Werner and Terry Reel
Here's the rest of the pictures from the day ...... :)
Ashton, waiting for the races to start |
Holden, waiting around for the races to start |
Holden and David coming around the loop from the first 1/2 mi. of the 5K |
Ashton, waiting for David and Holden to finish the 5K |
Holden, coming into the finish line at 40:47 - Good Job Dude! |
David coming up to the finish line with a time of 42:40 - Great Job Honey! :) |