Holden Christopher
3:02 AM on 4/16/02
6lbs 1oz, 18 1/2in long |
Yes, I'm seriously not kidding, the boys' birthdays indeed are only two days apart. It's hard to imagine that ^that^ tiny little newborn, is my now, 9yo handsome young man. Holden was very planned and very much wanted. We wanted to have two children, approx 2-3years apart. We however, didn't realize it would have been so close to our plan of 2-3years apart.
Literally, exactly 9 years ago at this moment (
1:00am EST), we were on the phone calling our families because my water had just broke around 12:30am. We figured that David's parents would leave (we lived in Northern VA at the time) once we got to the hospital and checked in. Well, what we
didn't plan on, was for me to go and have Holden 2.5hours after my water broke. The next phone call any of the family got, was after Holden had already been born, 3.5weeks early no less! He's been like that ever since.... fast and never stops moving!!! >:)
First smile caught on camera - 3weeks
He's been a handful ever since! ;) Mischievious and a bundle full of energy who
never stops talking (seriously, he started talking in sentences in 18months). He picked up on things very quickly and knew his ABCs (sight and sounds for both upper and lowercase), shapes, colors and could count to 20 by the time he was 2years old.
18months old |
Halloween '03 (2.5yrs) |
When he turned 3, he was reciting his address, phone number, date of birth and could say the "Pledge of Allegiance" and could sing the "Star Spangled Banner"! (remember, I SAID he was a handful! hehe) He started preschool the fall after his 3rd birthday and learned so much. He was a reverse-mainstreamed student in a special ed preschool program. Because of having an older brother with Autism, he was a perfect role model as he was smart, out-going, verbally precocious and well, he was very sweet with the special needs kids in his classroom. He greatly enjoyed preschool but wanted more!
Holden with friends Andrew & Tori (age 3.5yrs) |
When Holden was in kindergarten, it became apparent there might be some
issues going on. However, we didn't get a diagnosis until half-way through his 1st grade year, ADHD. He was starting to struggle in school and his self-esteem was quickly eroding. Plus, he had become this quiet little boy, except for when he couldn't contain himself and his impulses. However, with meds he started to do better!
Halloween '06 (4.5yrs old) |
Norfolk Zoo - Aug '07 (5.5yrs old) |
April '08 - Birthday Party (6yrs old) |
April '09 (7yrs old) |
Camping Trip July '10 (8yrs old) |
SPRING 2011 - 9 Years Old |
He's now in 3rd grade and is doing exceptionally well. His most recent report card was A, A-, B+ and another B+! AWESOME JOB Dude!! We're SO proud of him!! He enjoys playing soccer, wrestling and loves to run. He also loves to read, but I would dare say, his favorite things to do is play video games! Pokemon ones in particular. :) He's just recently wrapped up his 2nd full year of wrestling and has moved onto soccer for the spring. He's very active and loves being outside and playing baseball and soccer. He also recently participate in the local Shamrock Marathon Final Mile race and finished with a time of 8:32! :) He placed in the top 3rd of the 3300+ runners and had a better time than any of his friends that ran the race with him from his school.

We're very proud of Holden and how he's dealt with having a special needs older brother. Like Ashton, Holden tolerates from Ashton what he will tolerate from no one else. It's an incredible relationship that they share. :)
Thank you for letting me share my littlest birthday boy with you!! Later today is their birthday party, so hopefully I'll have lots of birthday pics to share tomorrow!! Happy Birthday little man - we LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU LOTS!! XOXOXOX! Mommy!