I know I've posted about Holden, Ashton's younger brother many times..... well, Holden is Ashton's wind beneath his wings..... :)
But, have I told you how awesome he is?

<~~~~ That is a picture of Ashton and I the summer before Holden was born. I got pregnant the month after this picture was taken. We were still undergoing the diagnostic process for his Autism (meaning, we knew something was up, but didn't have a label yet) and had decided, if I didn't get pregnant by the end of that summer, that we would remain a one-child household. Well, Holden was meant to be, because I found out the day before mine and hubby's birthdays (August 23rd) that I was pregnant. Ashton underwent testing for seizures (MRI, EEG) and genetic screenings and blood tests. Everything came back normal, but we knew something was going on with our precious boy. We found out in November of 2001; Autism. The scarlet letter of developmental delays. He rated on the severe end of the scale, and we were left wondering what that would mean for our sweet boy. We found out in December of 2001 that our new baby would be another boy. While I was sad at the thought of never experiencing having a little girl, I know now, that our second and last little boy was exactly what God had planned for us. In January of 2002, Ashton started school, a preschool class for special ed children. His teacher (Ms. Cindy) was an Angel on Earth (though she may dispute that!). I greatly admired (and still do!) this woman; she has a huge huge heart, has special needs children of her own and yet, was going to school to finish her schooling and was teaching special ed kids. Because of her, Ashton learned incredibly quickly. He quickly picked up on the communication skills that laid the groundwork for us to be able to hear his sweet voice. At first, he used PECS cards and used those for communication. On April 16, 2002, Holden made his grand appearance! Ashton's teachers knew when he didn't come to school that day, that I'd likely had the baby. When Ashton returned to school the next day, we sent in pictures of his new baby brother and he wore his "I'm the big brother" t-shirt! :) What a grand moment for him.

and here's some more pics, story will continue afterwards.....
Ashton would have never wore this if Holden wouldn't of had the same costume! |
Trip up to NOVA '07 - LOVED the carousel in the mall |
Holden's first day of kindergarten - MY how he grew! |
Ashton at the special games for his school |
Look at that smile - RUNNIN'! Fun with friends FAMILY PICTURE - ALL 4 of us! Fun with family friends! (I Promise, no kids were harmed in the taking of this photo! LOL) |
Still feelin' that brotherly love <3 |
One of the first years Ashton REALLY got into Christmas '09 |
This was also the year Ashton decided to give himself a hair cut! :P |
Happy 12th Birthday Ashton and Happy 9th Birthday Holden! |
and now we are here today (well okay.... a few weeks ago LOL) ..... :)
Holden has helped his brother immensely over the years. But, I think what has helped Ashton the most, is Holden being exactly who he is, so that Ashton can become the young man who he is supposed to be. Ashton is now a very verbal and social creature. Almost always happy, and talking non-stop! Ashton now has a pretty engaging personality. You can't talk to him and not smile. He's so funny and comes up with some really cute things to say! Sure, he's not at a twelve-year-old level, and I doubt he'll ever be totally age-appropriate, but he's come such a long ways from where we started. Holden has been the biggest part of that. Holden knows that sometimes, we can't just go out and do fun things, because Ashton just can't always handle that stuff. He's been put on the back burner on many occasions because of Ashton's therapies, school issues, etc. Holden is now coming into his own, now that he's getting older. Holden is very smart, very active, and is quite a talker. He gets very good grades and is well-liked by all of his peers and teachers. He's quite popular at school, as Ashton paved the way for him! As night and day as my boys are, they are both a very special part of our family. Ashton has taught us that slow and steady wins the race, and Holden has taught us that gettin' up and goin' and havin' fun is a good thing too. They're both sweet, loveable and funny as all get out. And the love they have for each other? Unsurmountable. They're best friends and stick up for one another when they think the other is being wronged. Holden has picked good friends, all of whom have accepted Ashton for who he is, not what he has. Ashton is a book-lovin', movie--watchin' fiend while Holden is a video-game playin' and runnin' around actin' crazy goofball. But, at the end of the day... they're both ours. Our sweet boys who are both growing up into incredible young men.
My hope for them is to always remain friends, always look out for one another, and always remember, that blood runs thicker than water. Family is family, and they do for one another. and Thank you for being the two best sons any mom could ever ask for!
Love you BOTH very very much!
The little lion? that's Holden..... in 2006 on the homecoming float for his school One of my favorite pics of Holden, EVER! |
First soccer game - ala Karate Kid! LOL |
No idea what the silly faces were for, but I LOVE it! |
2nd place in his VERY FIRST wrestling tourney! AWESOME! |
Holden took this picture, with my little p&s camera - photographer in the making? |
VERY first GOLD MEDAL in wrestling! |
Small, but MIGHTY! |
he had some anxiety about the tube initially, but then wanted to keep going back out in it! :) YAY! |
I'm always proud of both of my boys' accomplishments, but I try to make sure Holden gets the extra attention he deserves. He's had to give up a lot with having a special needs brother, and has always taken it in stride. He's a very sweet kid, and this post is for him :) I hope you've enjoyed the story and the pictures :) Thanks for letting me share
Have a nice day!